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Sold out

 Entry to Masquerade Ball at 7PM

 All-inclusive food and drinks

 Entertainment including live band, tarot cards, caricature drawings, and more

 Opportunity to sign up for parties-to-go

 Access to big board silent auction items

 Live auction

Sold out

This is ONE general admission ticket for a teacher only.  Please purchase an additional general admission ticket for any guest(s).

Sold out

 General admission ticket

 Early entry to Masquerade Lounge with light bites and open bar starting at 6PM

 Early access to entertainment including jazz trio, tarot cards, caricature drawings, and more

 Early access to sign up for parties-to-go

Limited to 100 attendees 

Sold out

 Virtual access to bid on big board silent auction items starting at 7PM

 Virtual access to sign up for parties-to-go starting at 7PM

This is a great option if you will be out of town or for friends and family that want to support Withers!

Sold out

 White Wine Bundle ($350 value)

 In Classroom Dallas Zoo Experience ($350 value)

Dine Around Dallas Bundle - Bobbie's, il Bracco, & Mesero ($400 value)

Sold out



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Tickets are limited. Your reservation hold will expire after minutes.