Celina Education Foundation Gala

Dear Friend of the Celina Education Foundation, 

We are excited to announce that the Celina Education Foundation will host our annual Denim and Diamonds Gala on Friday, April 12, 2024 at 3 R’s Ranch in Prosper, TX! This year, we look forward to an evening of fundraising, fun and fellowship with returning supporters, new Celina residents and the local business community. The Gala Committee has been hard at work planning a jammed packed evening beginning with appetizers, dinner from Tender Smokehouse, live music by the Flatbed Trailers, live and silent auctions, photo booth, games and of course lots of dazzling fun! The mission of CEF is to partner with our community to promote academic excellence and innovation in Celina ISD. We accomplish this by providing District wide Initiatives for educational programs and equipment for students and teachers at each of our campuses, Grants for Great Ideas for our innovative educators, and Scholarships for graduating seniors. As our community and school district grows, the importance of the mission of the Celina Education Foundation is more vital than ever before. The resources we are able to provide help inspire learning and maximize innovative opportunities which aid in promoting academic excellence throughout Celina ISD. During the evening’s event, we will also have exciting updates to provide to attendees regarding the future of CEF! There are numerous opportunities to get involved this year. The gala committee is currently seeking partners to sponsor, underwrite, and donate items to include in our live and silent auctions. Sponsors and underwriters will be recognized in promotional materials leading up to and at the event. As a 501c3 tax-exempt and volunteer driven organization, we rely solely on contributions for financial support and 100% of the monies raised will go directly back to our students.

For questions or if you are interested in donating an auction item please contact the committee at CEFDenimandDiamonds@gmail.com. 

So, throw on your favorite pair of jeans, add some sparkle and join us for an incredible evening of socializing, FUN and giving back! We appreciate the community’s continued support and look forward to seeing you in April! 


Abbie Williams and Rebecca Lassere 2024 Auction Chair and Co-Chair