Enter your phone or email and press “GO” to see if you are registered.
If you aren’t registered, enter your personal information, and select to receive text notifications during our auction.
You will receive a text with your one-time log-in code
Didn’t receive the text? Click Resend Code & select where you want to receive your code.
Enter One-Time Code then click Next
Confirm and press Continue
I forgot my bidder #? Type your phone # or email address in the bidder # box. Tap GO. You also can tap on the "?" for help.
How do I remove a bid? Right after you place a bid, you have the option to "undo" on the confirmation banner at the top of the screen. Once this banner goes away, you will need to see an event volunteer that is using the butler to remove it.
I already selected "no" or replied "STOP" to the SMS text message alerts, not realizing that I wouldn't receive outbid notices. Can I fix it? Yes! Text "START" to 56651 to begin receiving these once again.
How do I place a Max Bid? To place a "max bid", tap on Bid/Info > BID/SET MAX > select the amount you are willing to spend on the item > SET MAX. The system will bid up to that amount for you automatically. You will be notified via text message if you are outbid on this item.