LPN Membership

Become a Member!

Membership is a $275.00 Donation 

Join the Lovejoy Professional Network (LPN) and be part of a vibrant community dedicated to fostering connections and making a positive impact! 

Your membership, a generous donation of $275.00, goes beyond just networking – it fuels our commitment to charitable causes and strengthens the Lovejoy community.

At LPN, we believe in the power of collaboration and meaningful relationships. By joining, you not only expand your business network but also contribute to fundraising efficiency and charitable initiatives that align with our mission.

Why Join LPN? 

Our Purpose  LPN operates as a 501(c)(3) organization, dedicated to charitable purposes. Your donations, sponsorships, memberships, and fundraising efforts directly fund programs aligned with our mission and charitable philosophy.

 Act Now!  Join us on this exciting journey of connection, collaboration, and community impact. Your membership not only benefits you but also contributes to the greater good.

Let's build a stronger Lovejoy community together! 

Ready to make a difference? Join LPN today!

Membership is a $275.00 Donation.

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