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Pre-K 3: Plate for the Ages

A classic keepsake for Pre-Kindergarteners, you won’t want to miss this precious project featuring your Pre-K 3 student’s face on a plate. Melamine plates are BPA-free, food-safe, and dishwasher-safe.

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Pre-K 4: When I Grow Up Placemat

New this year for our adorable Pre-K 4 friends, we’ll illustrate their dreams for the future on a laminated placemat featuring all of their class friends. Enjoy this keepsake that will have your child smiling at each meal!

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Kindergarten: Student Silhouette

Back by popular demand, don’t miss the chance to preserve your sweet Kindergarteners profile in Lamplighter red with a framed 8”x10” silhouette.

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T-1: Fun In a Box

An extra special class portrait for an extra special year. A classic Lamplighter keepsake (available only to T-1 students), you’ll receive a framed 12”x12” copy of your child and his or her classmates having fun in a box!

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First Grade: Jump for Joy!

Jump for joy with your First Grader! Take home a 11”x14” framed Steve Wrubel portrait of your First Grade student celebrating their love for Lamplighter. This has become a Lamplighter tradition!

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Second Grade: Early American Journey Photo Book

Follow along with your Second Grader as they travel “west” on their Early American adventure. From the Rockies to the Golden Coast, this keepsake memory book captures the hardships and the fun of this pivotal Lamplighter adventure.

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Third Grade: What I Like About You!

Heartwarming and thoughtful, the iconic third grade "What I Like About YOU!" book will bring smiles to both you and your Third Grader. Featuring the entire grade, students share their favorite qualities of classmates and friends all bound in a keepsake photobook.

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Fourth Grade: Lamplighter Memories

School memories to last a lifetime! This 8”x10” acrylic box features side-by-side class photos of your student from their first year at Lamplighter and their senior year. A special touch from your child will be included on the back.


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