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Join us in supporting the Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation's outdoor education program, Outdoor Adventures, now in 1,400+ schools in all 50 states and Canada!  Great networking, food, and fun!

  • ALL teams receive one golf cart, t-shirt and cap for each person, and 72 targets (ammo is not included but may be purchased at the event), BBQ quail dinner, and beverages.
  • Mulligans will be available for purchase.
Sold out

Individual ticket buyers will be assigned to a 4-person team. 

Join us in supporting the Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation's outdoor education program, Outdoor Adventures, in 1,400+ schools in all 50 states and Canada!  Great networking, food, and fun!

  • You will receive a t-shirt and cap, 72 targets (ammo not included, but may be purchased at the event), BBQ quail dinner, and beverages.
  • Mulligans will be available for purchase.


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Tickets are limited. Your reservation hold will expire after minutes.