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Event Tickets

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Individual tickets are open seating. Includes open bar. For a large group, consider sponsoring a table and splitting the cost. See below.

Raffle & Staff Tickets

Help cover the cost of LPS staff member tickets
Sold out

All Lakehill Staff Members and 1 guest attend this event for free. You can help us offset this cost by sponsoring the ticket(s) for teachers and staff. This is a tax deductible donation for you and a great way to treat our hardworking staff! Purchase before Feb 26th and your name will be included in the program as a Staff Ticket Sponsor!

1 Raffle Ticket, 3 Prize Drawings
Sold out

You do NOT need to attend the event to win. Grand prize: 2 night stay with club level accommodations at The Ritz Carlton Resort in Las Colinas ($2400 value). Additional drawings: Dinner for 4 at Georgie ($500 value), Dinner for 2 at The Lounge Here ($100 value).  Drawing to take place 03/29.  Online sales end 03/28. Coming to the event? Increase your chances at the casino: buy chips to win more raffle entries. 

3 Raffle Tickets
Sold out

See above for description.

Sponsorship Opportunities


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Payment Method (please choose an option)

Optional: Save this credit card for use at this event by choosing a guest name in the drop down menu:

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Tickets are limited. Your reservation hold will expire after minutes.